Everyone can make mistakes. Some mistakes can have profound impacts on our livelihood, finances, and freedoms. If you have been charged with a DUI offence in Toronto or the GTA, you need to be aware of the potential consequences you could face if you are convicted and found guilty of the offence.
Most importantly, you will have a criminal record. Your criminal record will follow you for the rest of your life. This alone could impact your future career opportunities. You could also be prohibited from traveling abroad as many countries can refuse entry just for having a DUI on your criminal record.
As such, you will want to explore your options to potentially mitigate the consequences you could face. One of the best ways to do this is with help from a DUI lawyer. Some of the benefits you gain when you hire a DUI lawyer could include:
Benefit #1: Helping you determine the best course for the most appropriate outcome.
Your lawyer has experience in DUI laws. They understand the details of such cases and how to help you obtain the best outcome for your particular circumstances.
Benefit #2: The potential to save you money.
There are costs associated with being convicted and found guilty of a DUI, including mandatory fines, increased insurance costs, license reinstatement fees, and so on. Your lawyer could potentially help you avoid these if there are effective ways to fight the charges and get them dismissed. They also have insights on how to avoid jail time for criminal charges.
Benefit #3: Alleviates stress and anxiety when facing criminal charges.
Most people that get a DUI have never gotten in trouble with the law before. They can worry about what is going to happen, what they should do, and the best course of action to resolve the matter.
Your DUI lawyer provides you with peace of mind to alleviate your stress and anxiety. You will have a clear understanding of what to expect, the potential outcome you could face, and other such details.
Benefit #4: Helps you build a strong defence, even when you do not see how.
Most people mistakenly assume that it is difficult to build a strong defence after being charged with a DUI. After all, the police have the breathalyzer or blood sample results showing you were legally intoxicated.
However, there are various strategic defences that could be used that you would not be aware of, but your lawyer would know about. Using their extensive knowledge, they can help build a defence that could translate to a leaner sentence or even potentially a case dismissal.
Benefit #5: Helps you get the DUI offence expunged from your criminal record.
In the unlikely event, you are convicted and found guilty of a DUI, you can get it expunged from your criminal record. Doing so does require the help of a skilled DUI lawyer familiar with the expungement process. Finding the right legal support is crucial to ensure your rights are protected.
Getting help from a qualified DUI lawyer in Toronto and the GTA when you are charged with a DUI offence provides several benefits. For further information or to schedule a free consultation, consider reaching out to experienced legal professionals who can assist you.